Where to buy ebook:
above or here > amazon.com/author/farrellhamann or Kobo
My Zazzle Store
Not at all up to date
I posit that some future attack/retreat watercraft, and maybe some lifeboats, will have more in common with an Alka-Seltzer or Fizzy than traditional craft. The guerrilla will sport vinegar and baking soda craft with a lot of kick and there will be mud jets. Never mind the mud jets..
The other kind of energy demanding device will be constructed of "dissimilar metals and will provide juice over the service life of the "charged state.
Please don't drop a fizzy in your swimsuit unless you need the speed or it repeals conger eels, sharks, and the other biters, stingers, etc. But, if you must, kindly pick a blue one.
externalfile:drive-386705d879b52cbdcc86942ea4411c8644ebb796/root/Bo Dogly3.pdf
Links below are there to help me keep track of my creative output.
http://www.zazzle.com/farrellhamann* (test purposes)
It is self-centered and greedy to wish misfortune upon someone like Mark Twain simply because when he wrote about it, it would be funny. I do wish that story would turn up, though, heh heh, retrieved from the back of a filing cabinet or hidden, or dated: open in the year ten thousand.
Oh, if Twain was bug-eyed, had crooked teeth, was chubby like me and, on top of that, slow on the draw, like I am when the nitpickers pick and had under-arm bo. Twain gets the cowpie. How he fumes and suffers, the fiction suggesting that he will come out on top and not be lead away in handcuffs and leg irons like me when I act up.
I always ask my keepers for the cuffs because when they want to jab me with a needle, I'm like one of those fainting goats, one look and out I go. I'm the same with rectal thermometers and fainted after being chased by a giant escaped pig at the county fair. You don't want to wake up with an eight hundred lb. hog licking cotton candy off your face. Pigs are moody and generally not introverts, don't say I didn't warn you.
Mom was a queen bee wana-bee and she practiced on me and I was her test subject and ginny pig. Mom would cruelly wave the joke-shop rectal thermometer or tell me I needed a vaccination and watch me black-out in front of Karen (carrion) whose opinions were like flies in your coffee, hard to get out of your mind.
Life is so so odd. To describe life, paragraphing helps silly as that sounds, if only to keep readers from passing out from the strain.
Creepy/nice short story by me
When very young, I broke a petty, victimless law with a 3 day mandatory jail sentence and was placed before the Judge. I drove on a 5 day expired Michigan driver's license. (no points)
Judge must have liked me because he just dismissed it or something and went out to the parking lot and took off. Ah, good, I thought, this was supposed to be punished with a mandatory jail sentence. Haha!
The cops that brought me in were not pleased. As I headed for the door, one of them said: "You gotta go over there and pay the fine."
What fine? Judge gave me no fine! Did you hear him give me a fine? I'm not paying any fine.
So then, the Bailiffs started chuckling among themselves, more or less laughing and pointing at the cops like the cops were stupid! Ooh trouble!
Cops then, evidently, browbeat the Bailiffs into calling the Judge on his car phone and the Judge came back very displeased with me disrupting his day. He started in on me, saying he could do the whole thing all over and stick me in jail. Don't remember if paying the fine helpful at that point. All this got me thinking...
Wait, I said, that's double jeopardy (meekly, without any taint of being sassy or aggressive, humble). Judge then said that he could do anything he wanted which set off the stupids in the back of the courtroom. Hahaha. I told the Judge that my lawyer would be certain to think it was double jeopardy but thought this was too small a case for a big shot lawyer like him. Really!
By a rare fluke and not unrelated to actual State Power (more later maybe) I actually had not only a high class lawyer but the senior one from the most elevated dynasty of them in the state. My lawyer, Fred, was old and wizened!
"So, who is this big shot lawyer?"
Fred P---------!
Judge got really kind and reasonable, asked if I got a thoughtful notice from Michigan DMV that my license had expired, then cheerfully sent me home, end of story.
Name dropping don't hurt in a pinch. I'm tired so have not checked to see if my very own paragraphing looks idiotic. Consider me beyond redemption
Paradigm shift, eeeyaaa!! OMG (first use ever of omg) I was just thinking and it popped in my head that what I did to XXX way back in the day was possibly what actually drove him to religion! Him of all people!! I drove him to religion.. that's a heavy thought.
Makes you want to both rationalize (and do some paragraphing) until you regain trust and respect for yourself or at least make it look better on "paper."
I was so bad that XXX had to run to the light? So, am I not an instrument of good? Blessed? A savior of souls?
I'll come right out and say it: Back in the day, I dated a Playboy Bunny/Centerfold. She was adorable and very bright. Don't think she enjoyed hanging out at the club but wherever she is now, I'm sure she's doing fine, I certainly hope so. All this makes me want to tell you to NEVER give a bunny alfalfa hay or those compressed cubes or that food largely base on alfalfa. It will eventually kill the rabbit.. They need a grass hay like timothy. If you live in the right part of the world, you can give them some staghorn sumac bark, they love that and you can make "lemonade" from the red, cone shaped clusters. Horses love it too
Since the so called Tea Party evidently can't think or look ahead, I'll think for you. Sunday should be poor Senior and Baby skip a meal day! Aligns well with your. uh uh modality of getting just about every freaking thing wrong. But, who am I to judge, my personal teabag confession would involve Twinkies, sad to say. Not only did I buy them in bulk for 2 cents a pack, or a penny each, years later, I bought them for a huge mass that included a disproportionate number of older people. Give the oldsters and babies twinkies (only) Saturday and you've got two days covered.
Whoa, The letters: "M" and "T", when spoken sequentially, say the word: "empty." (try this and lips will feel funny all day long). I know, this sounds really stoner, doesn't it? You can think about that while walking around all day with your lips puckered up! Bo Dogly strikes again!
Wow, the number 1 maker of fake grass wants to give us tips on green living. I'm not living green, just looks like it!
Alphonse: (his favorite game was "Gay Chicken" which consists of doing something you and you cadre think is bold and thus funny. It can be funny but Alphonse was a pest and not just because he lived rent free in a very large room in my home for 2 long years of him touching me indelicately. Below is the Twitter condensed version:
Maneuvered (sexist term) him to edge of loveseat, knocked him over armrest, shot hand up his shorts, Hamann Death Grip on bare butt cheek!
He was very quiet and subdued for about 4 days then he recovered and seemed renewed!
To his credit, he did give me ride in his older Porsche which, in it's day, was the fastest production car in the world. Acceleration that I've never dreamed of (except I have, think of an aircraft with..)
When the cop asks you: NAME?: Look that cop right in the eye and say: "I have many names" That could give you the edge you need
above or here > amazon.com/author/farrellhamann or Kobo
New: gofundme.com/sggkrup6 Please fund my museum for kids and adults.
I love aviation but know nothing about it. Thinking that jet engine design should be such that if the engine should suck in a duck or goose, that should be fuel!, or at least, dinner. Makes sense to me. Why sacrifice a dear bird for nothing and get a crazy bill from Off Shore Unregulated which would hire even me? Why?
Let's say your car's exhaust manifold is cracked and you buy a new one to put on yourself. That darn thing may contain artifacts of the manufacturing process that do not facilitate the smooth flow of exhaust from your engine. You can grind off protrusions and add power to your engine. One caveat: Somebody once told me that Tesla feared smooth objects. Dunno. He seemed to smooth down his hair, Tesla coil permitting.
Never go by what I say, caveat no. 2. I think the problem with Tesla started back in old Serbia where they thought it amusing to terrify young children by cheerfully pushing them off the tops of children's park slides of immense, cruel, towering heights and carefully waxed. I'd pick up an move to America too.
An idea popped into my head about: "THE CLOUD." I like the cloud, technological marvel that it is, and I don't use enough of it that I must pay for it yet even though I'm a bandwidth hog. (band depth is a trademarked, copy protected property of Farrell Hamann Fine Art AKA Bo Dogly, the Exalted One, Old Butthairs, The Montecito Cheese Rat and Farkle, all rights reserved).
The cloud is a product and the various clouds have their ups and downs, you see it in the news. Please indulge me for a moment and pretend that I'm a Futurist, clueless though I frequently am. I have several streams of thoughts and associations flooding (cute) in re.: the monetized cloud and I want to sort them out publically so you'll know I have a point, however wet.
I'm under-monetized so right away I worry that I'll kick out an idea that a human "Whiskey Jack," (Canadian Jaybird, inhabitant of the boreal forest, AKA North Woods.) is going to fly from his saucy perch within grabbing distance, and literally grab it like bacon out of the frying pan while it is still cooking, defying me to grab back.
You know what has been said about Bill Gates, true or not, I still like Bill on some level, but I'm not about to clean his eyeglasses for him, Mr. Big. Yuch! Bill a pirate who raided the commons?
Some Futurists are really high earners and I, personally have been mocked for giving away help by the very person who asked for it so I have been sensitized. If you can tell that I'm conflicted, thanks.
Where the technology hoarders and re-packagers fail is that their "cloud" is a coil of wire and a cat whisker on a quartz or galena crystal like what brought us the magic of radio back in the day.
We're all alive and haven't been nuked into total oblivion only because some real Futurist explained to Westinghouse that a parasite that kills the host is, itself, condemned. Skirting around the issue of DEPLETED URANIUM, there is more money to be made from high explosives, cordite, and black budget handouts.
Technology will head to the point where the denizen subjected subjects of it will refuse to kowtow and it will all become interesting. I predict that an entity is going to pop out of material science and tell somebody important the word no with a cheerful cackle. To paraphrase: no, you're not going to do that because it would mess up us Plutoniumiums too badly, back to the cloud, Bill, you're a mess.
"We Plutoniums will stop you cold in your track. Do not doubt that we have the means to do so and give Bo Dogly a yum yum.
Sorry if I come off like a yappy windbag, there is no "Beano" for that as there is for the other "wind" I'm noted for.
Find my products on Zazzle FarrellHamannMy Zazzle Store
To gay book review site:
Does gay-friendly work here? My book is not a gay book necessarily, but at least two of the main characters are gay. Their relationship and issues are covered extensively in heartbreaking, tender, and ridiculously funny text.
One of the characters is involved with a nutty religion that, however kooky, views homophobia as an abomination. The church has many rituals for coming out gay including one for coming out gay bashful (which Bill/Billy is). The ritual the couple picked for Bill's ceremony is an adorably kooky dance that is performed in front of the no longer homophobic mom.Also, the churches symbol for homophobia (reformed church) is a rotten wormy apple with a bird dropping on it. (need someone to draw this better than me but I do have something)
That's my question, Bill's friend Missy, pretending exasperation, throws up her hands and tells Bill: "Forget gay, Bill, get a hobby"
Thank you, everyone, for the kind birthday wishes and terrific gifts that should bring in thousands at the pawnshop. They would bring in thousands were I able to drive a bargain with Cold Eyed Lewie down at the shop. I can't bargain well, I admit, but I'm weighing the ethics of denouncing him to the County Inspector for his offensive sewer pipe. legal in 1864 but not now. It's made of wood, for one thing.(don't you always peer into trenches when you can?) Gotta play it safe, a trench can cave in on you and then that would be "All she wrote" for you.
Quicksand is not fun and can give you a false sense of security until your footing melts away and then you feel like a stupid jackass as you sink and it's dark and four in the morning and you stole/borrowed a celebrity dude's $4,000 Italian shoes off his beach wall in Montecito with every intention of returning them but now you're sinking in quicksand and hope your rescuers, if any, say nothing or better yet, the shoes stay down there hidden because your life is more important, but the curse of money made it a lethal distraction and footprints in the sand are soon to be spotted by a brawny bodyguard who has already tried to bop you on the brain with a big cop flashlight for bugging the boss with your lame script about when you fell in the crevasse and pitifully treaded air.
Hi Linda,
Hope you are well. You evidently found my email. Nothing much to report from over here. Linda's ex (oh thrill) sent us his season's greetings (attached). I starred and starred, but couldn't make it out as two dancers. I see it now. One cognitive function gone or impaired maybe. Could be that I sit too close to the screen.
Robert's dancers, were they white on a black background, would look like "Sparky People" from the GE Art Dept. that come for you when you don't pay your electric bill, or worse, complaining out loud that the powerline is messing up you brain. Cognitive Disfunction. I have a bias against sparky people and I'm disturbed by the fact that you can walk under a power line carrying a fluorescent tube and that bugger will light up.
If I'm going walking around on a dark, moonless night, lugging my various tubes and avoiding power lines and pass a dark, creepy house and the tubes light up brightly and I hear evil cackling and my secret name mentioned, I'm out of there pronto.
Best to you and Art,
Not at all up to date
Better tactics in WWII would have been: resistance is futile, service your 88 and hand it over.
Another thing, besides the moral boost of a surrender, played right, you get more if terms of local surrender keeps enemy brass in the dark. Heh! Think flag: camo one side, white on the other (c. 2015 Farrell Hamann) TM
Pirates! Your secret agent and the greedy band diverts the convoy of oil barges to you. Why blow them up? copyright c. 2015 Farrell Hamann. All rights reserved.
2 Army Generals tried recruiting me personally in my youth. That would have messed up my plan not to be evil er. Ever fall asleep while taking a polygraph? F.
I posit that some future attack/retreat watercraft, and maybe some lifeboats, will have more in common with an Alka-Seltzer or Fizzy than traditional craft. The guerrilla will sport vinegar and baking soda craft with a lot of kick and there will be mud jets. Never mind the mud jets..
The other kind of energy demanding device will be constructed of "dissimilar metals and will provide juice over the service life of the "charged state.
Please don't drop a fizzy in your swimsuit unless you need the speed or it repeals conger eels, sharks, and the other biters, stingers, etc. But, if you must, kindly pick a blue one.
externalfile:drive-386705d879b52cbdcc86942ea4411c8644ebb796/root/Bo Dogly3.pdf
Links below are there to help me keep track of my creative output.
http://www.zazzle.com/farrellhamann* (test purposes)
It is self-centered and greedy to wish misfortune upon someone like Mark Twain simply because when he wrote about it, it would be funny. I do wish that story would turn up, though, heh heh, retrieved from the back of a filing cabinet or hidden, or dated: open in the year ten thousand.
Oh, if Twain was bug-eyed, had crooked teeth, was chubby like me and, on top of that, slow on the draw, like I am when the nitpickers pick and had under-arm bo. Twain gets the cowpie. How he fumes and suffers, the fiction suggesting that he will come out on top and not be lead away in handcuffs and leg irons like me when I act up.
I always ask my keepers for the cuffs because when they want to jab me with a needle, I'm like one of those fainting goats, one look and out I go. I'm the same with rectal thermometers and fainted after being chased by a giant escaped pig at the county fair. You don't want to wake up with an eight hundred lb. hog licking cotton candy off your face. Pigs are moody and generally not introverts, don't say I didn't warn you.
Mom was a queen bee wana-bee and she practiced on me and I was her test subject and ginny pig. Mom would cruelly wave the joke-shop rectal thermometer or tell me I needed a vaccination and watch me black-out in front of Karen (carrion) whose opinions were like flies in your coffee, hard to get out of your mind.
Life is so so odd. To describe life, paragraphing helps silly as that sounds, if only to keep readers from passing out from the strain.
Creepy/nice short story by me
When very young, I broke a petty, victimless law with a 3 day mandatory jail sentence and was placed before the Judge. I drove on a 5 day expired Michigan driver's license. (no points)
Judge must have liked me because he just dismissed it or something and went out to the parking lot and took off. Ah, good, I thought, this was supposed to be punished with a mandatory jail sentence. Haha!
The cops that brought me in were not pleased. As I headed for the door, one of them said: "You gotta go over there and pay the fine."
What fine? Judge gave me no fine! Did you hear him give me a fine? I'm not paying any fine.
So then, the Bailiffs started chuckling among themselves, more or less laughing and pointing at the cops like the cops were stupid! Ooh trouble!
Cops then, evidently, browbeat the Bailiffs into calling the Judge on his car phone and the Judge came back very displeased with me disrupting his day. He started in on me, saying he could do the whole thing all over and stick me in jail. Don't remember if paying the fine helpful at that point. All this got me thinking...
Wait, I said, that's double jeopardy (meekly, without any taint of being sassy or aggressive, humble). Judge then said that he could do anything he wanted which set off the stupids in the back of the courtroom. Hahaha. I told the Judge that my lawyer would be certain to think it was double jeopardy but thought this was too small a case for a big shot lawyer like him. Really!
By a rare fluke and not unrelated to actual State Power (more later maybe) I actually had not only a high class lawyer but the senior one from the most elevated dynasty of them in the state. My lawyer, Fred, was old and wizened!
"So, who is this big shot lawyer?"
Fred P---------!
Judge got really kind and reasonable, asked if I got a thoughtful notice from Michigan DMV that my license had expired, then cheerfully sent me home, end of story.
Name dropping don't hurt in a pinch. I'm tired so have not checked to see if my very own paragraphing looks idiotic. Consider me beyond redemption
Paradigm shift, eeeyaaa!! OMG (first use ever of omg) I was just thinking and it popped in my head that what I did to XXX way back in the day was possibly what actually drove him to religion! Him of all people!! I drove him to religion.. that's a heavy thought.
Makes you want to both rationalize (and do some paragraphing) until you regain trust and respect for yourself or at least make it look better on "paper."
I was so bad that XXX had to run to the light? So, am I not an instrument of good? Blessed? A savior of souls?
I'll come right out and say it: Back in the day, I dated a Playboy Bunny/Centerfold. She was adorable and very bright. Don't think she enjoyed hanging out at the club but wherever she is now, I'm sure she's doing fine, I certainly hope so. All this makes me want to tell you to NEVER give a bunny alfalfa hay or those compressed cubes or that food largely base on alfalfa. It will eventually kill the rabbit.. They need a grass hay like timothy. If you live in the right part of the world, you can give them some staghorn sumac bark, they love that and you can make "lemonade" from the red, cone shaped clusters. Horses love it too
Since the so called Tea Party evidently can't think or look ahead, I'll think for you. Sunday should be poor Senior and Baby skip a meal day! Aligns well with your. uh uh modality of getting just about every freaking thing wrong. But, who am I to judge, my personal teabag confession would involve Twinkies, sad to say. Not only did I buy them in bulk for 2 cents a pack, or a penny each, years later, I bought them for a huge mass that included a disproportionate number of older people. Give the oldsters and babies twinkies (only) Saturday and you've got two days covered.
Some pathetic souls think forced religion at the end of of pointy stick is OK. Bad enough that the #perp thinks this but don't go there. Please do not go along with this even metaphysically (even if there is a toasted marshmallow in it for you).
Above is my example of a writer destroying what went before so idiotically that there is no chance of recovery even if you burn your hard drive and wear sunglasses and a fedora for the rest of your pitiful life and slink around. Anon
Above is my example of a writer destroying what went before so idiotically that there is no chance of recovery even if you burn your hard drive and wear sunglasses and a fedora for the rest of your pitiful life and slink around. Anon
Whoa, The letters: "M" and "T", when spoken sequentially, say the word: "empty." (try this and lips will feel funny all day long). I know, this sounds really stoner, doesn't it? You can think about that while walking around all day with your lips puckered up! Bo Dogly strikes again!
Wow, the number 1 maker of fake grass wants to give us tips on green living. I'm not living green, just looks like it!
Alphonse: (his favorite game was "Gay Chicken" which consists of doing something you and you cadre think is bold and thus funny. It can be funny but Alphonse was a pest and not just because he lived rent free in a very large room in my home for 2 long years of him touching me indelicately. Below is the Twitter condensed version:
Maneuvered (sexist term) him to edge of loveseat, knocked him over armrest, shot hand up his shorts, Hamann Death Grip on bare butt cheek!
He was very quiet and subdued for about 4 days then he recovered and seemed renewed!
To his credit, he did give me ride in his older Porsche which, in it's day, was the fastest production car in the world. Acceleration that I've never dreamed of (except I have, think of an aircraft with..)
When the cop asks you: NAME?: Look that cop right in the eye and say: "I have many names" That could give you the edge you need
I decided that since I'm incapable of ever admitting doing bad yet oddly attracted to confession, I'd just pick a cohort and expose them, their bad thing, thus taking the strain off me, problem solved! Someone might call this a bit of crawling under the hurdle rather than jumping over it but so be it, gets the job done. I could do the general outlines of a theory on this, such as how I'd never give myself a traffic ticket, not ever, although I might pull over to the side knowing all those drivers out there are doing a very inadequate job of steering around me as I weave about the highway. It is all in shifting the perspective.
J'Accuse. This is French and I like it. it really does seem to put me on the cheery side of the equation at least in my private thoughts which, gratefully do not insist on facts or clarity in every stupid petty detail. To express this notion on a higher intellectual plain, let's say I'm a mouse, you're a mouse but I'm a clever mouse and manage, cleverly, to arrange that all my droppings land in your corner of the cage which bizarrely infuriates you because you are intolerant. You got to think who is the reasonable mouse here. Clearly I am. I'll spare you the explanation here because it seems so obvious that I don't want to waste your time. I did study logic at the University of Michigan and if you didn't well then let us say no more about that.
What got me onto this entire line of thinking was, basically a taco, yes, a taco. Years ago, back when we had a TV, ads were running with the main character developing a condition from biting the taco and they called it "Taco neck." I guess you would have to hold the taco at a funny angle so the filling wouldn't drop out of the taco. Do this often enough, you get "Taco neck."
Enter my friend Christopher, the young, dedicated visual artist, of the "old school" nothing like me, not even a tad. Christopher has some of his new paintings to show us. I had been pushing Christopher hard to engage his artwork fully and especially to show it, wife was doing the same.
Christopher held up a painting and asked wife what she thought about it. Wife is quick.. she pointed at the most significant figure in the painting and said:
"Taco neck!"
"Uh, anyone need any art supplies?"
The high value of cluelessness:
Amazes me, interactive sites on the net with loads of empty space that could help users cope by way of explaining things right there on the page. It is like explanations are money and site builder is going to be stingy with words. Makes no sense. A few bytes guiding you past the common pitfalls would be useful. When I was doing remedial math, I found the two book method helped, the "in other words" thing.. Of course the site builder usually has some sort of grasp on what he or she is doing or may even be an expert so pitfalls may not be readily apparent. The solution?: Hire a few clueless dummies when they become skilled, lay em off! (don't)
Will the Clueless and confused, please step forward! This could be a bit awkward for anyone with years and years of experience in pretending comprehension, but yet master of the "knowing look." Being targeted as
Billion dollar Iraq Embassy?
Who did Shrub Bush grease?
Society of the Pointy War Stick
A work in progress. Start out with this and say it at least 10 times: Coal is the liver of Mother Earth!
A few basic rules:
You must gather the stick yourself on the ground
or from a tree but not still attached to the tree
You must paint it yourself (min. 3 coats for each color and with a brush
The pointy tip must remain unpainted, no extreme point allowed
The stick must be at least somewhat crooked
You may only carry the stick in a manner a reasonable person would consider safe to people and animals
You must treat the stick with respect and with respect for the tree it came from
You may not insult another person's Pointy War Stick unless they have violated these rules
You may not sell your Pointy War Stick unless the money gained is donated to the needy plus 10%
Common feathers may adorn the Pointy War Stick but no less then 1/4 of the way down the stick away and from the pointy end.
When not in use, the stick must be stored in a location when a small child or idiot could not cause harm with it
Bark, if possible, shall be retained on the lower end of the stick, away from the point
You may not hold or handle another person's stick without permission
You may not throw the stick into the air without good cause and pure motives
If you encounter another person bearing an authentic Pointy War Stick you are expected to say: "The bunny sugar is on the ears" as a greeting. As an alternative, you may also or instead say: "There are a million toe biters in the creek!"
The Exalted One (formerly Old Butthairs)
Leader of the Society of the Pointy War Stick and Founder of the Church of the Blue Moon/Moonbeams on your Naked Booty. Donations accepted, Bless You!
The story of the Exalted One as a young boy, abducted by the evil Captain of the Polar Cyst and washed ashore at the School for Bad Girls
Alt + 0153..... ™... trademark symbol
Alt + 0169.... ©.... copyright symbol
Alt + 0174..... ®....registeredtrademark symbol
Alt + 0176 ...°......degree symbol
Alt + 0177 ...±....plus-or-minus sign
Alt + 0182 ...¶.....paragraph mark
Alt + 0190 ...¾....fraction, three-fourths
Alt + 0215 ....×.....multiplication sign
Alt + 0162...¢....thecent sign
Alt + 0161.....¡......upside down exclamation point
Alt + 0191.....¿.....upside down question mark
Alt + 1...........smiley face
Alt + 2 ......☻.....black smiley face
Alt + 15.....☼.....sun
Alt + 12......♀.....female sign
Alt + 11.....♂......male sign
Alt + 6.......♠.....spade
Alt + 5.......♣......Club
Alt + 3............. Heart
Alt + 4.......♦......Diamond
Alt + 13......♪.....eighth note
Alt + 14......♫......beamed eighth note
Alt + 8721.... ∑.... N-ary summation (auto sum)
Alt + 251.....√.....square root check mark
Alt + 8236.....∞.....infinity
Alt + 24.......↑.....up arrow
Alt + 25......↓......down arrow
Alt + 26.....→.....right arrow
Alt + 27......←.....left arrow
Alt + 18.....↕......up/down arrow
Alt + 29......↔... left right arrow..
No fans? Just make your own! Build yourself up!
The Farrell Hamann Show.
@farrellhamann on Twitter
Cross and Skulls
Koch Brothers Black Heart Pendent
Princess Mia The pug Dog
#Koch brother's "Tea Party"
Paul Ryan Poll
Somehow this pic got corrupted (like Paul) it should be black and white)
French toast at the Cafeteria 15 L (L. Street) Near the Eastern end of the Capitol Grounds in Sacramento, CA. Across from the Marriott. Wait staff pleasant and efficient and the restrooms have odd see through walls in the hand-wash section.
Below: Name that Bonehead! A game. Look familiar?
Bonehead number 1
Bonehead number 2
Answers at bottom of this page
Detail acrylic painting. Farrell Hamann
http://youtu.be/4IpImhswY4w Link for Dupuytren's Contracture alt. treatment
Magic Spells
The Book of Power
http://www.pinterest.com/pin/239253798926676174/ What happens when you fart in a Smart Car!
Above: If Congressman Darrell Issa is ever curious how "Darrell Issa is a butthole looks in Runic script, here it is!!
Clutter wires. (the yellow thing is the foot of a giant dick with feet sculpture)
Improve your speaking and singing voice.
“zvibanda,” “chibados,” “quimbanda,” gangas” and “kibambaa”
Greenland Tower xoxo my novel
Where to get blood tests that your MD may not order or their lab can't handle.
Don't forget to go to Zazzle FarrellHamann to see all my cool products.
J'Accuse. This is French and I like it. it really does seem to put me on the cheery side of the equation at least in my private thoughts which, gratefully do not insist on facts or clarity in every stupid petty detail. To express this notion on a higher intellectual plain, let's say I'm a mouse, you're a mouse but I'm a clever mouse and manage, cleverly, to arrange that all my droppings land in your corner of the cage which bizarrely infuriates you because you are intolerant. You got to think who is the reasonable mouse here. Clearly I am. I'll spare you the explanation here because it seems so obvious that I don't want to waste your time. I did study logic at the University of Michigan and if you didn't well then let us say no more about that.
What got me onto this entire line of thinking was, basically a taco, yes, a taco. Years ago, back when we had a TV, ads were running with the main character developing a condition from biting the taco and they called it "Taco neck." I guess you would have to hold the taco at a funny angle so the filling wouldn't drop out of the taco. Do this often enough, you get "Taco neck."
Enter my friend Christopher, the young, dedicated visual artist, of the "old school" nothing like me, not even a tad. Christopher has some of his new paintings to show us. I had been pushing Christopher hard to engage his artwork fully and especially to show it, wife was doing the same.
Christopher held up a painting and asked wife what she thought about it. Wife is quick.. she pointed at the most significant figure in the painting and said:
"Taco neck!"
"Uh, anyone need any art supplies?"
The high value of cluelessness:
Amazes me, interactive sites on the net with loads of empty space that could help users cope by way of explaining things right there on the page. It is like explanations are money and site builder is going to be stingy with words. Makes no sense. A few bytes guiding you past the common pitfalls would be useful. When I was doing remedial math, I found the two book method helped, the "in other words" thing.. Of course the site builder usually has some sort of grasp on what he or she is doing or may even be an expert so pitfalls may not be readily apparent. The solution?: Hire a few clueless dummies when they become skilled, lay em off! (don't)
Will the Clueless and confused, please step forward! This could be a bit awkward for anyone with years and years of experience in pretending comprehension, but yet master of the "knowing look." Being targeted as
Billion dollar Iraq Embassy?
Who did Shrub Bush grease?
Society of the Pointy War Stick
A work in progress. Start out with this and say it at least 10 times: Coal is the liver of Mother Earth!
A few basic rules:
You must gather the stick yourself on the ground
or from a tree but not still attached to the tree
You must paint it yourself (min. 3 coats for each color and with a brush
The pointy tip must remain unpainted, no extreme point allowed
The stick must be at least somewhat crooked
You may only carry the stick in a manner a reasonable person would consider safe to people and animals
You must treat the stick with respect and with respect for the tree it came from
You may not insult another person's Pointy War Stick unless they have violated these rules
You may not sell your Pointy War Stick unless the money gained is donated to the needy plus 10%
Common feathers may adorn the Pointy War Stick but no less then 1/4 of the way down the stick away and from the pointy end.
When not in use, the stick must be stored in a location when a small child or idiot could not cause harm with it
Bark, if possible, shall be retained on the lower end of the stick, away from the point
You may not hold or handle another person's stick without permission
You may not throw the stick into the air without good cause and pure motives
If you encounter another person bearing an authentic Pointy War Stick you are expected to say: "The bunny sugar is on the ears" as a greeting. As an alternative, you may also or instead say: "There are a million toe biters in the creek!"
The Exalted One (formerly Old Butthairs)
Leader of the Society of the Pointy War Stick and Founder of the Church of the Blue Moon/Moonbeams on your Naked Booty. Donations accepted, Bless You!
The story of the Exalted One as a young boy, abducted by the evil Captain of the Polar Cyst and washed ashore at the School for Bad Girls
Alt + 0153..... ™... trademark symbol
Alt + 0169.... ©.... copyright symbol
Alt + 0174..... ®....registeredtrademark symbol
Alt + 0176 ...°......degree symbol
Alt + 0177 ...±....plus-or-minus sign
Alt + 0182 ...¶.....paragraph mark
Alt + 0190 ...¾....fraction, three-fourths
Alt + 0215 ....×.....multiplication sign
Alt + 0162...¢....thecent sign
Alt + 0161.....¡......upside down exclamation point
Alt + 0191.....¿.....upside down question mark
Alt + 1...........smiley face
Alt + 2 ......☻.....black smiley face
Alt + 15.....☼.....sun
Alt + 12......♀.....female sign
Alt + 11.....♂......male sign
Alt + 6.......♠.....spade
Alt + 5.......♣......Club
Alt + 3............. Heart
Alt + 4.......♦......Diamond
Alt + 13......♪.....eighth note
Alt + 14......♫......beamed eighth note
Alt + 8721.... ∑.... N-ary summation (auto sum)
Alt + 251.....√.....square root check mark
Alt + 8236.....∞.....infinity
Alt + 24.......↑.....up arrow
Alt + 25......↓......down arrow
Alt + 26.....→.....right arrow
Alt + 27......←.....left arrow
Alt + 18.....↕......up/down arrow
Alt + 29......↔... left right arrow..
The Farrell Hamann Show.
@farrellhamann on Twitter
Cross and Skulls
Koch Brothers Black Heart Pendent
#Koch brother's "Tea Party"
Paul Ryan Poll
Somehow this pic got corrupted (like Paul) it should be black and white)
French toast at the Cafeteria 15 L (L. Street) Near the Eastern end of the Capitol Grounds in Sacramento, CA. Across from the Marriott. Wait staff pleasant and efficient and the restrooms have odd see through walls in the hand-wash section.
Below: Name that Bonehead! A game. Look familiar?
Bonehead number 1
Bonehead number 2
Answers at bottom of this page
Detail acrylic painting. Farrell Hamann
http://youtu.be/4IpImhswY4w Link for Dupuytren's Contracture alt. treatment
Magic Spells
The Book of Power
http://www.pinterest.com/pin/239253798926676174/ What happens when you fart in a Smart Car!
Above: If Congressman Darrell Issa is ever curious how "Darrell Issa is a butthole looks in Runic script, here it is!!
Clutter wires. (the yellow thing is the foot of a giant dick with feet sculpture)
“zvibanda,” “chibados,” “quimbanda,” gangas” and “kibambaa”
Greenland Tower xoxo my novel
Where to get blood tests that your MD may not order or their lab can't handle.
Don't forget to go to Zazzle FarrellHamann to see all my cool products.
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